Title: The Five Cs of Social Networking: Better or Worse then the Real Thing?
In the age of information and technology, my paper will describe how old and new media evolved and how the five Cs-community, collaborative, communication, creativity, and convergence have been integrated into the very fabric of modern everyday life.
First, I will describe Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 and explain the differences and similarities of both.
Then I will describe and analyze how they relate to everyday life, the impact it has on every level, and the pros and cons of each such as how individuals use a Web 1.0 versus a Web 2.0 today. Many may use both, many may use either Web 1.0 or Web 2.0. For example, many people watch television shows on both television and their laptops while others watch only television and others may watch mainly on their laptops. I will show how this differs and how it is similar in today's modern world.
First, I will describe Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 and explain the differences and similarities of both.
Then I will describe and analyze how they relate to everyday life, the impact it has on every level, and the pros and cons of each such as how individuals use a Web 1.0 versus a Web 2.0 today. Many may use both, many may use either Web 1.0 or Web 2.0. For example, many people watch television shows on both television and their laptops while others watch only television and others may watch mainly on their laptops. I will show how this differs and how it is similar in today's modern world.
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