Thursday, April 25, 2019

Next New

Suggest a new type of "new media" that doesn't currently exist.

A type of new media would be technology that detects arterial and other diseases early; this would benefit people worldwide. This type of new media can help prevent heart attacks, strokes and other diseases that saves lives in the future. It can be a virtual reality, three dimension media that can be used in place of hospital machines. 

This pioneering, innovative technology can be the beginning of a better future in the health of people around the world. This technology can do this by aiding in detecting possible heart abnormalities, strokes, and other debilitating diseases that plague us today. 

The virtual three dimension technology can detect any of the diseases mentioned by spotting anything abnormal or unusual within the body. This can be a futuristic way to promote a healthier lifestyle through better eating, more proactive health checkups, and exercise. 

Describe it. 

With the massive amount of prescriptions and advertisements claiming medications are the solution to what ails you in the United States, new solutions for health care needs to be taken into account. A new media device could be a virtual reality, three dimension type that can scan over the whole body; it can be done by producing a realistic picture of a person's insides to spot any differences in any of the arteries or veins. For example, the device can scan the respiratory and nervous systems to show possible abnormal formulations that either started or is starting to form inside the body. 

When a person goes to the doctor for a checkup, they can get checked for triglyceride and cholesterol levels through a blood test. When the exam detects high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, the person usually gets a prescription to control these levels. Instead, new media can show the person exactly what is going on inside their body with annual, regular health checkups. The technology can detect any abnormalities spotted and take immediate action to correct any the problem early. This can avoid any possible last ditch efforts to just control the situation through lifetime medications but cure it. 

This can cut down on the medicines people are taking to control their health problems. People can possibly have this problem detected early and resolved through early detection and healthy living. Other technologies of this type can offer natural types of solutions to help resolve any health problems that may plague us without the present bombardment of pharmaceuticals. 

 Another new type of "new media" that (possibly) doesn't currently exist.

 A full service ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) with multiple banks listed for customers to access at any location versus going to the bank itself to do banking. For example, if a customer has an account at Bank of America, they would have to go a bank branch of that bank to do their banking without the extra or added fees for accessing the ATM. 

Instead of going to their bank, they can go to a nearby ATM with a connection to their bank and do what they need at this location. The ATM can have a list of banks connected with that ATM, and the customer can first look for their bank. If the bank is not listed, then the customer can decide if they want to use it. 

With an ATM that can offer at least some of the major services for customers, they would not have to go to the bank making it easier for them to access their account at the ATM with a connection to their bank. Making it easier and more convenient to do business at any ATM location. This would cut down on fees from the current ATM machines and the bank for accessing your account from that ATM.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Wiki so Far

What have you been doing to contribute to our class wiki? 

I have been working on how users can enhance their professional profile using LinkedIn, and the features that help them stand out when applying for positions online. The addition explains how users can continuously use the site to build their profiles as they move in life and establish accomplishments made along the way. I'm currently looking for other contributions that can enhance the career management, career building and career starting profiles. I edited sections of the wiki.

I have a couple of wikis to add regarding security and career management. The security wiki explains how employees from top management to the middle and clerical levels of company employment make mistakes when it comes to social networking. It goes on to explain how resolve or avoid these mistakes with solutions. I am also looking for other contributions that can enhance the security area for future reference. 

Friday, April 12, 2019


1. What is file sharing?

According to King's article, "Take Advantage of P2P-Not Fear It," file sharing is the sharing and transmitting of computer data through the internet or through networks at various levels of access. Users can transmit data from one computer to another efficiently, and this allows users to work on documents from any location. 

2 . What is P2P file sharing? 

According to King's article, "Take Advantage of P2P-Not Fear It,"P2P file sharing is peer to peer file sharing that allows users to use software programs to search and locate other computers that have media files to access and download. P2P allows users to share files through software programs and networks online. 

3. What are some examples of P2P file sharing?

Examples of P2P file sharing in King's article is Gnutella which is a well-known network; it allows users to send out file requests. It connects to the network that contains the file using software and download the file on their own computer. Another example is Steal This Film that distributes books, movies, documentaries, and music. 

The article explains how this form of sharing can bring in audiences that can bring in revenues through donations and not focus totally on revenue. This can possibly avoid piracy which costs many companies in many industries millions and possibly billions of dollars in loss revenue annually.  

According to Stelter and Stone's article, " Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios," the movie industry tried and worked very hard to prevent the illegal downloading of their movies such as "The Dark Knight" when it was released; the result after many months of planning was unsuccessful. 

They worked long and hard to stop this by looking for alternatives to this growing problem. The biggest problem is that it is very easy to download from many places on the internet movies, music, and television shows; also, it is very hard to track down the places that make these downloads available to users on the internet. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


In this post, discuss how the issues of privacy and confidentiality are related to new media.

In Reed's article, " Information Privacy: Changing Norms and Expectations, it discusses the boundaries that one can go to determine what is considered private and what is considered public. The Fourth Amendment gives all of us the freedom to be safe on person, belongs, home, and other personal belongings without have to fear being unlawfully searched and have any type of property seized. That is if you don't post anything on the internet; if you do, you stand the chance of being ridiculed and or implemented for posting something that appears offensive,  racist, or prejudice. Being careful - think before you post - is one of the most precious of life's lessons one can learn. 

As in Taylor's article, "Attach Ad Marks New Era for Millennials Running for Office," it describes how a young candidate is running for an office left vacant by the previous person due to a new position. The young candidate's past came out when they were in college and posted photos and sayings that may come back to haunt them. This is an example of watch what you say, when you say it, where you say it, and how you say it. You never know what the future holds and incidences like this can hinder and possibly damage their aspirations for a great career no matter what the field one chooses. 

In the past, without the new advanced technological ways social media evolved one would not have the quick, easy access to any forms of social interactions. Now anyone can go to social media such as Facebook, Instagram, MySpace, and YouTube to find whatever they need to either research or use for decisions such as employment or political office. They can be the biggest asset or biggest liability. 


You are hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the College. 
What are some suggestions you would make using new media?

One suggestion is to have more hybrid classes to free up time students may have to study and take more time to do outside work on the subject they are studying. One advantage to hybrid classes is that students and Instructors can gain access to updated information and use that to prepare lessons, papers, and other research for the class.

In Agardy's article, "Open Source Textbook Program Expanding in Coming Months," it explains how using new media can enhance how students learn. Karen Lawson explains how new media can help teach students in a more up-to-date fashion versus the old media way of teaching with textbooks. She goes on to explain how it is difficult to teach from outdated textbooks where the knowledge is not sufficient for students today versus getting continuous, updated information online.

Also, an advantage to this form of learning is a wiki form of updating information. When a teacher posts subject information online other teachers from other locations can update the post by adding relevant information and or deleting non-relevant information or information that is obsolete.

Another advantage is that the class can help students by answering questions or inquiries that may arise when studying and preparing an assignment. This way the Instructor can give immediate feedback and the student can determine if the feedback given is accurate enough to answer their inquiries. If not, the student and Instructor can have immediate dialog to resolve the meaning of the inquiry.

Another suggestion is to have more online classes so that students can have the time to prepare and submit assignments online with the freedom of the internet to do so. This gives both students and Instructor the time to prepare and submit the assignments in a timely manner. Depending on the class or type of class precaution must be taken.

For example, in Taylor's article, "Attack Ad Marks New Era For Millennials Running For Office," one must be careful what they say and how they say it. Our class is one perfect example; students are being introduced to various types of new media and is learning about the ways in which one should conduct themselves while online. Being careful about the content of your posts is of the utmost importance. This can minimize any possible negative feedback and backlashes that can result in the future - possible lost opportunities as a result of those past posts that were considered fun or funny is now being displayed in another light.